Friday, 23 June 2017

Membandingkan Teks Cerita Ulang

In this lesson, the retelling text that will be studied is a character biography. Biography is a book that describes and discusses the life history of a character. Biographies are usually written by someone else. Biography writing usually discusses the life journey of a famous person or a person who deserves to be exemplified. Biography is essentially about a person's life history from getting to know more about the characters along with their background, so that they can add to your insight about characters. In addition, you can take interesting things from the character such as example, order, discipline, and so forth.


  1. artikelnya terlalu sedikit bro, coba baca baca disini tentang artikel yang bagus itu seperti apa web portal pendidikan

  2. satu paragrap aja bro artikelnya


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