1) Gratifikasi adalah pemberian dalam arti luas, yakni meliputi pemberian biaya tambahan (fee), uang, barang, rabat (diskon), komisi pinjaman tanpa bunga, tiket perjalanan, fasilitas penginapan, perjalanan wisata, pengobatan cuma-cuma, dan fasilitas lainnya.
Gratifikasi tersebut baik yang diterima di dalam negeri maupun di luar negeri dan yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan sarana elektronik atau tanpa sarana elektronik [1]
Walaupun batas minimum belum ada, namun ada usulan pemerintah melalui Menkominfo pada tahun 2005 bahwa pemberian dibawah Rp. 250.000,- supaya tidak dimasukkan ke dalam kelompok gratifikasi. Namun hal ini belum diputuskan dan masih dalam wacana diskusi. Dilain pihak masyarakat sebagai pelapor dan melaporkan gratifikasi di atas Rp. 250.000,- wajib dilindungi sesuai PP71/2000.
Landasan hukum tindak gratifikasi diatur dalam UU 31/1999 dan UU 20/2001 Pasal 12 dimana ancamannya adalah dipidana penjara seumur hidup atau pidana penjara paling singkat 4 tahun dan paling lama 20 tahun dan denda paling sedikit 200 juta rupiah dan paling banyak 1 miliar rupiah.
Pada UU 20/2001 setiap gratifikasi yang diperoleh pegawai negeri atau penyelenggara negara dianggap suap, namun ketentuan yang sama tidak berlaku apabila penerima melaporkan gratifikasi yang diterimanya kepada Komisi Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi (KPK) yang wajib dilakukan paling lambat 30 (tiga puluh) hari kerja terhitung sejak tanggal gratifikasi tersebut diterima.
2) - B2B (Business to Business)
Contohnya, Anda mempunyai perusahaan kuliner yang bergerak di bidang katering. Lalu karena bisnis yang Anda punyai adalah bisnis katering yang cukup besar, jadi Anda mempunyai target pasar para perusahaan. Jadi jasa katering Anda diperuntukkan untuk perusahaan yang mempunyai karyawan cukup banyak, inilah yang disebut dengan B2B karena bisnis atau jasa Anda diperuntukkan untuk perusahaan lain.
-B2C (Business to Consumer)
Contohnya, Anda mempunyai perusahaan kuliner yang bergerak di bidang katering. Jika bisnis katering Anda diperuntukkan untuk perorangan atau grup, itu berarti bisnis Anda business to costumer.
- C2C ( Consumer to Consumer )
C2C adalah model e-commerce yang menjamur di Indonesia saat ini. Contoh dari C2C adalah iklan baris dan toko-toko buku online dadakan (dimiliki oleh individu yang umumnya memanfaatkan layanan blog gratis seperti blogspot).
C2C terjadi seorang individu melakukan penjualan produk/jasa langsung kepada individu lainnya.
Contoh perusahaan yang menerapkan konsep C2C adalah
Dalam post pertama ini saya akan membahas tentang E-Tailing. E-tailing itu sendiri sebenarnya banyak pengertiannya melalui internet, buku, atau menurut pendapat dari setiap orang tersebut. Electronic E-Tailing merupakan kependekan dari electronic retailing, yaitu pemanfaatan e-commerce untuk ekperluan membuat toko eceran. Retailing adalah suatu perantara penjualan, seorang penjual yang beroperasi antar pelanggan dan pabrikan. Electronic tailing (E-Tailing) adalah Retailing yang diselenggarakan secara on-line dengan internet.
E-Tailing dari retail (online retail) dilakukan dibeli atau dijual dalam jumlah sedikit/eceran. Contoh yang sering kita tahu situs atau perusahaan yang menggunakan e-tailing dan itu sudah sangat tterkenal didunia adalah situs : http://www.amazon.com/ Produk yang cocok dengan E-Tailing itu sendiri seperti :
1. Hadware atau software untuk komputer
2. Kendaran (mobil,motor,sepeda)
3. Pakaian
4. Makanan
5. Buku
6. Dan lain-lain
Penjualan yang langsung dilakukan oleh Manufactur
Yang dilakukan dalam proses ini, kita bisa membeli secara langsung dari pabrik pembuatannya dari kejadian ini kita bisa mengetahui secara specific atau jelas dasar apa saja yang kita ingin. Proses itu sendiri juga memberikan waktu yang efektif tanpa kita harus datang ke tempatnya langsung dan bisa diakses dimana saja. Penjualan ini juga mempunyai keuntungan bagi ke2 pihak seperti: terjalinnya komunikasi antara pembeli dengan penjual. si pihak penjual mengetahui apa saja yang dibutuhkan customer, kritik atau saran karna itu termasuk hal penting juga dalam membangun sebuah perusahaan untuk lebih maju, dan berkembang agar lebih baik lagi dari sebelumnya. Contoh sebuah perusaan yang dimaksud adalah http://www.dell.com/
Contoh lain adalah( http://cineplex.com/default.aspx) situs web ini menggunakan e-tailing. Kita bisa melakukan transaksi tersebut dengan jaringan internet.
Namun disisi lain ada kelemahan dari
e-tailing adalah tentang keamanan yang lebih rentan antara pengguna pembeli dan penjualan terhadap transaksi tersebut.
Contoh : Mataharimall.com
Transaction Brokers
Model bisnis yang memberikan fasilitas transaksi. Disini pembeli dapat mengamati berbagai tarif dan syarat pembelian. Contoh : Bukalapak.com
Market Creator
Bisnis berbasis web yang menggunakan internet menciptakan pasar yang mendatangkan pembeli dan penjual, Contoh : Lazada.co.id
Content Provider
Penyedia informasi dan hiburan seperti surat kabar, situs olah raga,
dan sumber online lainnya
yang menawarkan berita terkini kepada pelanggan dan saran khusus tentang
bagaimana cara dan tips dan / atau penjualan informasi.,Contohnya : Pontianak Post
Service Provider Perusahaan yang menghasilkan uang dengan menjual jasa, bukan produk
Contoh : PT.Telekomunikasi Indonesia (TELKOM)
Menawarkan paket layanan konten dan konten terpadu, e-mail berita, obrolan,
unduhan musik, video streaming, kalender, dll.
Berusaha menjadi basis pengguna rumahan.
Contoh : Google
Community Provider
Situs di mana setiap orang dengan minat, hobi, dan pengalaman umum
dapat berkumpul dan membandingkan catatan. Kaskus.co.id
Friday, 28 July 2017
Monday, 10 July 2017
Analisis Peluang Bisnis
Definition of Business and Company
?? Company; an organization that processes changes in expertise and economic resources into goods or services that are intended to satisfy the needs of buyers, and are expected to provide profits to their owners
?? Business; all activities organized by people working in the field of commerce (producers, traders, consumers and industries where the company is located) in order to improve their standards and quality of life.
A temporary activity that takes place within a limited period of time with the allocation of certain resources and is intended to carry out tasks whose objectives have been clearly outlined.
The main features of the project
Have specific purpose, final product or final work
Costs, work schedules, resources, required quality criteria have been determined.
Activities are temporary
Activities are non-routine, not repetitive.
Develop a business
Creating a new company (subsidiary / SBU)
Create a new product
Generic strategies -> main strategies -> functional strategies
Generic Strategy (Porter)
The company's strategy approach to outperform competitors in similar industries.
According to Wheelen and Hunger, three types of generic strategies: stability, expansion and retrenchment.
- no increase in products, markets and functions because in a time of increasing efficiency to improve performance and profits. Small risk because the product is in maturity
?? Addition of products / expansion of products, markets and functions within the company. Big risk of failure.
Reduce the products produced, markets and functions. In a negative cash flow condition.
?? Company; an organization that processes changes in expertise and economic resources into goods or services that are intended to satisfy the needs of buyers, and are expected to provide profits to their owners
?? Business; all activities organized by people working in the field of commerce (producers, traders, consumers and industries where the company is located) in order to improve their standards and quality of life.
A temporary activity that takes place within a limited period of time with the allocation of certain resources and is intended to carry out tasks whose objectives have been clearly outlined.
The main features of the project
Have specific purpose, final product or final work
Costs, work schedules, resources, required quality criteria have been determined.
Activities are temporary
Activities are non-routine, not repetitive.
Develop a business
Creating a new company (subsidiary / SBU)
Create a new product
Generic strategies -> main strategies -> functional strategies
Generic Strategy (Porter)
The company's strategy approach to outperform competitors in similar industries.
According to Wheelen and Hunger, three types of generic strategies: stability, expansion and retrenchment.
- no increase in products, markets and functions because in a time of increasing efficiency to improve performance and profits. Small risk because the product is in maturity
?? Addition of products / expansion of products, markets and functions within the company. Big risk of failure.
Reduce the products produced, markets and functions. In a negative cash flow condition.
Saturday, 1 July 2017
Bom Email,Worm,Trojan,Encypt,Decryption,Firewall,Web Defacing
Email Boom
Email Boom is a technique that is done by a hacker to attack your e-mail with billions of messages in the inbox, so that outside the capacity of the e-mail capacity.
A worm is a type of virus that enters a computer system and develops using applications that stay in memory. The worm propagates like a worm secretly in a computer system and is very difficult to detect because it is not in the form of files. But usually computers that contract this virus will feel slow when running a program because memory space is taken as by the worm.
Trojans are a category of viruses, which works to collect data information on your computer to be sent to the trojan owner online. There are also a few crack software that can be categorized as trojans because the system works the same.
Encrypt or encryption is a technique used to randomize data passwords so that it is difficult for unauthorized people to access them. The technique used is usually a tool aid.
Decryption or decryption is the opposite of encryption, serves to decrypt passwords that have been encrypted so that they can be broken down. The technique used is usually a tool.
A firewall is a method used to protect a system on a computer or on a wider network system. The firewall functions to control the transmission of incoming / outgoing data on a computer.
Firwall can restrict / block sent from certain network addresses, exchange data between PCs and reject suspicious packages. But sometimes multiplayer games will also be blocked.
Web Defacing
Web Defacing is a hacking activity which damages or replaces the appearance of a website with another screen. This is possible because the security level of the website is low.
From its activities deface can be grouped into two types, namely:
· Index Deface, which is only replacing the main page of the website without disturbing the other webpages in one URL.
· Full page Deface, which replaces the entire appearance of a website in one URL, so that when the website is. Opened all display and access to the tab menu have changed.
Email Boom is a technique that is done by a hacker to attack your e-mail with billions of messages in the inbox, so that outside the capacity of the e-mail capacity.
A worm is a type of virus that enters a computer system and develops using applications that stay in memory. The worm propagates like a worm secretly in a computer system and is very difficult to detect because it is not in the form of files. But usually computers that contract this virus will feel slow when running a program because memory space is taken as by the worm.
Trojans are a category of viruses, which works to collect data information on your computer to be sent to the trojan owner online. There are also a few crack software that can be categorized as trojans because the system works the same.
Encrypt or encryption is a technique used to randomize data passwords so that it is difficult for unauthorized people to access them. The technique used is usually a tool aid.
Decryption or decryption is the opposite of encryption, serves to decrypt passwords that have been encrypted so that they can be broken down. The technique used is usually a tool.
A firewall is a method used to protect a system on a computer or on a wider network system. The firewall functions to control the transmission of incoming / outgoing data on a computer.
Firwall can restrict / block sent from certain network addresses, exchange data between PCs and reject suspicious packages. But sometimes multiplayer games will also be blocked.
Web Defacing
Web Defacing is a hacking activity which damages or replaces the appearance of a website with another screen. This is possible because the security level of the website is low.
From its activities deface can be grouped into two types, namely:
· Index Deface, which is only replacing the main page of the website without disturbing the other webpages in one URL.
· Full page Deface, which replaces the entire appearance of a website in one URL, so that when the website is. Opened all display and access to the tab menu have changed.
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